Asqatasun v4 - Scenario audit of accessibility with Asqatasun
Quick steps (for the impatient)
- Have a Firefox ESR 52 and download SeBuilder extension
- Record your scenario (Selenium 2 format)
- Replay locally your scenario to verify it works
- Upload the scenario to Asqatasun
- Run the scenario audit
Step 1 - Prerequisite
- You need a user account with at least 1 project configured with the Scenario audit option.
- If this is not the case, you must contact the administrator of your Asqatasun instance.
- If you have an administrator account, you can add or update projects directly in the back-office.
Firefox ESR 52 + SeBuilder
You need a Firefox ESR 52 browser with the SeBuilder extension to record scenarios. Asqatasun scenarios are based on Selenium. The format is Selenium 2 and scenarios are stored in JSON style.
Step 2 - Define and record the scenario
Define a scenario
Let say we are in London at Piccadilly Circus and want to go to Monument. Let use the Transport for London website to help us define our journey. We want to evalutate the accessibility of the following pages:
- the homepage with the form (where we will type in our departure and arrival),
- the result page giving us the different possible paths.
Let's begin.
- Go to
Record the scenario
- Open SeBuilder: Tools > Web developer > Launch Selenium Builder (or keyboard shortcut
), and select Selenium 2.
- In the Tranport for London page, fill in the From field (Piccadilly circus) and To field (Monument)
- Click the Plan my journey button, and see the proposed journeys.
- In the SeBuilder window, click the Stop recording button:
- Save your scenario : File > Save as...
Step 3 - Verify and adjust the scenario
- In the SeBuilder window, choose Run > run test locally
This verification is important. Asqatasun just replays the scenario, he can't check whether or not the scenario is actually what you wanted (!).
Please refer to Asqatasun scenario advanced usage if the scenario does not replay the way you'd like.
Step 4 - Upload the scenario to Asqatasun
- Log in your Asqatasun, go to your project, Scenario Audit
- Name your scenario, select the file and upload it
Step 5 - Launch the audit of the scenario
- Now run the scenario: click Launch audit
Eventually, set options then launch the audit.
The scenario audit is ran in asynchronous mode, meaning you will receive an email when the audit is done (depending on the lenght of the audit, but typically a few minutes).
Step 6 - See the results
- Go back to your project page, click on the last audit
- You have the summary of the scenario audit. Verify which pages have been tested by clicking on the number of pages link
(If the number of pages is not the expected one, please check Asqatasun scenario advanced usage)
You may then explore the detail of each audited page.
Scenarios are a powerful tool. Once created a scenario can be executed over and over providing also regression testing in addition of accessibility testing.