Asqatasun v4 - Crawler management
Increase number of pages per site audit (aka maxDocuments or max-documents)
By default a site audit is restricted to 1'000 pages to avoid useless disk space consumption. To increase this value, you should do the following steps.
1. Edit file tgol-beans-audit-set-up-form.xml
From the webapp directory (typically /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/asqatasun
), edit file WEB-INF/conf/mvc/form/tgol-beans-audit-set-up-form.xml
In section <bean id="maxDocumentsFormFieldBuilder"
, set the desired value:
<property name="maxValue" value="1000"/>
2. Edit file tgol-beans-contract-management.xml
Same way, edit file WEB-INF/conf/mvc/form/tgol-beans-contract-management.xml
In section <bean id="maxDocumentsOptionFormFieldBuilder"
, set the same value as you used above:
<property name="maxValue" value="1000"/>
3. Restart Tomcat
service tomcat8 restart
Disable compliance to robots.txt rules
By default, Asqatasun obeys to the rules from the robots.txt.
You may need to bypass these rules. This is not a good practice and is not recommanded. But if you absolutely need it, you will have to do the following.
- From your webapp directory (typically
), modify the fileWEB-INF/conf/crawler/asqatasun-crawler-beans-site.xml
- Locate the entry
<bean id="metadata" class="org.archive.modules.CrawlMetadata" autowire="byName">
- Add underneath the property
<property name="robotsPolicyName" value="ignore"/>
- Restart Tomcat
The whole stanza would look like this:
<!-- CRAWL METADATA: including identification of crawler/operator -->
<bean id="metadata" class="org.archive.modules.CrawlMetadata" autowire="byName">
<property name="operatorContactUrl" value="[see override above]"/>
<property name="jobName" value="[see override above]"/>
<property name="description" value="[see override above]"/>
<property name="userAgentTemplate" value="asqatasun +@OPERATOR_CONTACT_URL@"/>
<property name="robotsPolicyName" value="ignore"/>