Asqatasun v4 - Summary

Asqatasun v4 - AccessiWeb 2.2 - Rule 6.1.4


This test consists in checking whether the context of each combined link is enough explicit to understand the purpose and the target

Business description

Criterion : 6.1

Test : 6.1.4

Test description :

Does each combined link pass one of the conditions below (except in special cases)?

Level : Bronze

Technical description

Scope : page

Decision level : semidecidable



Set1 :

All the <a> tags with a href attribute, with children (a[href]:has(\*) )

Set2 :

All the elements of Set1 with own text or with more than 1 child or with only one child not of type img or object (where "img , object[type\^=image], object[data\^=data:image], object[data$=png], object[data$=jpeg], object[data$=jpg],object[data$=bmp], object[data$=gif]" returns empty)

Set3 :

All the elements of Set2 with a not empty text and without context (assuming the definition of a link context in AccessiWeb 2.2)

Set4 :

All the elements of Set2 with a not empty text, with a context (assuming the definition of a link context in AccessiWeb 2.2)

in other words :

size(Set2) = size(Set3) + size(Set4)



For each element of Set3, we check whether the link content doesn't belong to the text link blacklist.

For each element returning false in Test1, raise a Message1, raise a Message2 instead


For each element of Set4, we check whether the link content doesn't belong to the text link blacklist.

For each element returning false in Test2, raise a Message3, raise a Message4 instead


For each element of Set3, we check whether the link content doesn't only contain non alphanumeric characters

For each element returning false in Test3, raise a Message1, raise a Message2 instead


For each element of Set4, we check whether the link content doesn't only contain non alphanumeric characters

For each element returning false in Test4, raise a Message3, raise a Message4 instead

Message1 : Unexplicit Link
Message2 : Check link without context pertinence
Message3 : Unexplicit Link With context
Message4 : Check link with context pertinence


Not Applicable

Set2 is empty


Test1 returns false for at least one element (At least one element of the Set3 has a text content which is blacklisted)


In all other cases


All the links that have children different from img or object, are considered as combined links.

examples :