Asqatasun v4 - AccessiWeb 2.2 - Rule 6.3.4
This test consists in checking whether the context of each combined link is enough explicit to understand the purpose and the target out of its context
Business description
Criterion : 6.3
Test : 6.3.4
Test description :
Is each combined link (content of the text and of the alt attribute) explicit out of context (except in special cases)?
Level : Gold
Technical description
Scope : page
Decision level : semidecidable
Set1 :
All the <a> tags with a "href" attribute, with children ( a[href]:has(*) )
Set2 :
All the elements of Set1 with own text or with more than 1 child or with only one child not of type img
or object
(where "img ,object[type\^=image], object[data\^=data:image], object[data$=png],object[data$=jpeg], object[data$=jpg],object[data$=bmp],object[data$=gif]
" returns empty)
Set3 :
All the elements of Set2 with a not empty text.
For each element of Set3, we check whether the link content doesn't belong to the text link blacklist.
For each element returning false in Test1, raise a MessageA, raise a MessageB instead
For each element of Set3, we check whether the link content doesn't only contain non alphanumeric characters
For each element returning false in Test2, raise a MessageA, raise a MessageB instead
MessageA : Unexplicit Link
- code : UnexplicitLink
- status: Failed
- parameter : link text,
attribute, snippet - present in source : yes
MessageB : Check link without context pertinence
- code : CheckLinkWithoutContextPertinence
- status: Need More Info
- parameter : link text,
attribute, snippet - present in source : yes
NA :
Set1 is empty (the page has no combined links)
Failed :
Test1 OR Test2 returns false for at least one element (At least one element of the Set2 has a text content which is blacklisted or that only contains non alphanumerical characters)
In all other cases
We assume here that the links are only composed of a text. (<a href=""> my link</a>
All the links that have children different from img
or object
, are considered as combined links