Asqatasun v4 - Summary

Asqatasun v4 - RGAA 3.0 Theme 4: Multimedia

Criterion 4.1

Does each prerecorded time-based media have a text transcript or an audio description if necessary (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.1.1 * Rule 4.1.2 * Rule 4.1.3

Criterion 4.2

For each prerecorded time-based media with a text transcript or a synchronized audio description, are these relevant (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.2.1 * Rule 4.2.2 * Rule 4.2.3

Criterion 4.3

Does each prerecorded synchronized time-based media have synchronized captions if necessary (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.3.1 * Rule 4.3.2

Criterion 4.4

For each prerecorded synchronized time-based media with synchronized captions, are these captions relevant? * Rule 4.4.1

Criterion 4.5

Does each live time-based media have synchronized captions or a text transcript if necessary (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.5.1 * Rule 4.5.2

Criterion 4.6

Are each synchronized captions or text transcript, provided for live time-based media, relevant? * Rule 4.6.1 * Rule 4.6.2

Criterion 4.7

Does each prerecorded time-based media have a synchronized audio description if necessary (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.7.1 * Rule 4.7.2

Criterion 4.8

For each prerecorded time-based media with a synchronized audio description, is this audio description relevant? * Rule 4.8.1 * Rule 4.8.2

Criterion 4.9

Does each prerecorded time-based media have a sign language interpretation (except in particular cases) if necessary? * Rule 4.9.1 * Rule 4.9.2

Criterion 4.10

For each prerecorded time-based media with a sign language interpretation is this interpretation relevant? * Rule 4.10.1 * Rule 4.10.2

Criterion 4.11

Does each prerecorded time-based media have a synchronized extended audio description if necessary (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.11.1 * Rule 4.11.2

Criterion 4.12

For each prerecorded time-based media with a synchronized extended audio description, is this audio description relevant? * Rule 4.12.1 * Rule 4.12.2

Criterion 4.13

Does each synchronized or video-only time-based media have a text transcript (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.13.1 * Rule 4.13.2

Criterion 4.14

For each synchronized or video-only time-based media with a text transcript, is this text transcript relevant? * Rule 4.14.1 * Rule 4.14.2

Criterion 4.15

Can each time-based media be clearly identified (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.15.1 * Rule 4.15.2

Criterion 4.16

Does each non time-based media have, if necessary, an alternative (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.16.1 * Rule 4.16.2

Criterion 4.17

For each non time-based media with an alternative, is this alternative relevant? * Rule 4.17.1

Criterion 4.18

Can each autoplaying sound be controlled by the user? * Rule 4.18.1

Criterion 4.19

For each prerecorded audio-only time-based media, are the dialogues audible enough (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.19.1

Criterion 4.20

Can each time-based media be, if necessary, controlled by keyboard and mouse? * Rule 4.20.1 * Rule 4.20.2 * Rule 4.20.3

Criterion 4.21

Can each non time-based media be controlled by the keyboard and by the mouse? * Rule 4.21.1 * Rule 4.21.2

Criterion 4.22

Is each time-based media and each non time-based media compatible with assistive technologies (except in particular cases)? * Rule 4.22.1 * Rule 4.22.2