Asqatasun v4 - Summary

Asqatasun v4 - RGAA 3.0 Theme 9: Structure of information

Criterion 9.1

On each Web page, is information structured by the appropriate use of headings? * Rule 9.1.1 * Rule 9.1.2 * Rule 9.1.3 * Rule 9.1.4

Criterion 9.2

On each Web page, is the document outline coherent? * Rule 9.2.1 * Rule 9.2.2

Criterion 9.3

On each Web page, is each list structured appropriately? * Rule 9.3.1 * Rule 9.3.2 * Rule 9.3.3

Criterion 9.4

On each Web page, does the first occurence of each abbreviation help to know its meaning? * Rule 9.4.1

Criterion 9.5

On each Web page, is the meaning of each abbreviation relevant? * Rule 9.5.1

Criterion 9.6

On each Web page, is each quotation identified properly? * Rule 9.6.1 * Rule 9.6.2