Functional Test

Functional tests are done with Selenium WebDriver. The actual tests are in the testing-tools/tgol-test-scenario.

Running all functional tests

Provided you have:

  • a running Linux environnement with graphical environment (i.e. an XServer running)
  • your local Asqatasun Docker image running at http://localhost:8085/asqatasun/
  • your Firefox ESR 31.4 installed in /opt/firefox/,

…you may run all the functional tests with:

cd testing-tools/tgol-test-scenario
mvn test \ \
    -Dadmin.password=myAsqaPassword \
    -Dhost.location=http://localhost:8085/asqatasun/ \

Running one given functional test

Say you just want to debug the “login/logout” test , you have to add the -Dtest=... and add it before the test command:

cd testing-tools/tgol-test-scenario
mvn \
    -Dtest=LoginLogoutScenarioTest \
    test \ \
    -Dadmin.password=myAsqaPassword \
    -Dhost.location=http://localhost:8085/asqatasun/ \