RGAA 3.0 Theme 12: Navigation

Criterion 12.1

Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (except in particular cases)?

Criterion 12.2

On each set of pages, are the menu or the navigation bars always located at the same place (except in particular cases)?

Criterion 12.3

On each set of pages, do the menu and the navigation bars have a consistent presentation (except in particular cases)?

Criterion 12.4

Is the “site map” page relevant?

Criterion 12.5

In each set of pages, is the “site map” page accessible in an identical way?

Criterion 12.6

In each set of pages, is the search function accessible in an identical way?

Criterion 12.7

On each page within a collection of pages, are links facilitating navigation available?

Criterion 12.8

On each Web page, is a breadcrumb trail available (except in particular cases)?

Criterion 12.9

On each Web page, is the breadcrumb trail relevant?

Criterion 12.10

On each Web page, are groups of important links (menu, navigation bar…) and the main content area identified (except in particular cases)?

Criterion 12.11

On each Web page, are bypass or skip links to groups of important links and to the main content area available (except in particular cases)

Criterion 12.12

On each Web page, is the current page specified in the navigation menu?

Criterion 12.13

On each Web page, is tabbing order consistent?

Criterion 12.14

On each Web page, navigation must not contain keyboard trap. Has this rule been followed?