Type of Result by Rule

Type of Result by Rule


We call a rule the implementation of a test. For instance Rule RGAAv4 5.1.1 is the implementation of test RGAAv4 5.1.1

In Asqatasun, a rule may produce up to 5 kinds of results. In the audit parameters, the user may provide markers to enlarge the scope and accuracy of the audit. Depending on the audited webpage, and the presence of markers, a rule can produce up to 4 kinds of result.

We call a rule decidable when, in whatever circumstance, the produced results are included in Passed or Failed or Not Applicable.

Here we list in an extensive way, which one(s) of the results a given rule can produce.


Since Asqatasun 5.0.0:

  • 30 rules can produce Passed
  • 39 rules can produce Failed
  • 100 rules can produce Not Applicable
  • 95 rules can produce Pre-qualified
  • 21 rules are decidable (some with the help of markers)

Download “Type of result by Rule”

How to gather these data

From the directory holding all design sheets of RGAAv4:

rgrep -i "#### Passed" */Rule-*
rgrep -i "#### Failed" */Rule-*
rgrep -i "#### Not App" */Rule-*
rgrep -i -EH "#### Pre|#### NMI" */Rule-*
rgrep -i "#### Not Tested" */Rule-*