Hardware & network provisioning

Minimal hardware requirements

  • RAM: 4 Gb
  • CPU: dual-core (the more, the faster)
  • Disk: 10Gb

Notes on disk performance / usage

  • For large (>10000 pages) and repetitive audits, an SSD hardware increases performances significantly.
  • Statistically speaking, an audited page is about 0.3Mb on disk.

Network flow

Source host Destination host Destination port Detail
Asqatasun host the internet 80 Site to be audited
Asqatasun host the internet 443 Site to be audited
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 8080 Web application (embedded Tomcat)
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 8081 API
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 8091 Actuator (health check)
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 3306 Mysql / MariaDB (if chosen)
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 5432 Postgresql (if chosen)
Asqatasun host SMTP host 25 / 465 SMTP
Asqatasun host Asqatasun host 7055 to 7085 Embedded Firefox

Next step

Go to Pre-requisites.